Yvette Green

HARD STICKS - Listen to Audio Version (MP3)

They pick you and poke you
Hit and slap
Hoping to find a vein to tap
A vial of blood for God knows what
I know it's for my own good but-
Why oh why can't they create
A painless needle for goodness sake

They say you'll feel
Just a pinch It will be over in a cinch
But quite the contrary
You're thrown in a fit of misery;
The pinch becomes a probing painful invader
So much so you become a phlebotomist hater
Why oh why can't they create
A painless needle for goodness sake

They put a man on the moon
They clone animals, will clone humans soon
But why oh why can't they create
A painless needle for goodness sake

I would not have a problem
With vampires, blood suckers
Whatever you want to call them

If they would demonstrate
A little more consideration
A little more concentration
For people like me whom they term hard sticks

Who have no choice on whom to pick
To perform this simple task
Without turning my arm blue and black
Why oh why can’t they create
A painless needle for goodness sake

Yvette Green is a resident of Inglis House since March 2004. She has been disabled with a spinal cord injury since 1998. She is a member of the Inglis House Poetry Workshop and an aspiring writer who loves music.