Aurora M. Lewis


I cried for no reason, contemplating the meaning of life because I thought there was none as I searched for the missing pieces to push into place and make my puzzle whole, but the pieces were lost to me as I crawled about the floor, my hands outstretched feeling my way through the darkness of my depression. Then, like Alice I was handed a pill to make my inner pain small and the sense of who I am large enough for me to see through the looking glass that the world was not a grey place enclosed in fog, but a wonderland where sunshine warms my face, moonbeams dance on calm seas, orange blossoms perfume the air, and thoughts of those I love bring a smile to my face as I watch the lost pieces to my puzzle fall gently into my palm and the mocking grin of the Cheshire cats fading away.

Aurora Lewis is a woman in her late 50's, a diabetic, and a survivor of an erupted brain aneurysm, which occurred in 2004. Once recovered, her creative energy was awakened and she began writing poetry and short stories that explore and celebrate living.